Triple H as new General Manager

14/06/2012 23:50

We all heard Mr. McMahon's verdict on WWE Raw 11/06/12. Mr. McMahon decided to fire John Laurinitas which made Vince ''legendary''. But we have also found out that Triple H, former wrestler and Mr McMahon's son-in-law has now been assigned to a new post as the new general manager of Raw and Smackdown. After last years incident when Triple H was voted off as COO with the no confidence vote people wondered if Triple H was ever up too the job then and now he is GM, will anything bad happen again? Here at Daily Wrestling, we believe that Triple H being a former wrestler, knows the wrestling business inside out and that he might be able to pull it off having different GM's in his career which gives him some help on what to do and what not to do.

You can decide on the poll if you think Triple H can pull off being the new GM of Raw and Smackdown.