
08/06/2012 04:33
Match     Winner
Alberto Del Rio vs Great Khali    

Alberto del Rio    

Brodus Clay vs Derrick Bateman

Brodus Clay

Sin Cara vs Drew McIntyre Sin Cara    
Ryback vs Kevin Mahoney and Tony Andriotis Ryback    
Christian vs Dolph Ziggler Christian
Antonio Cesaro vs Jimmy Uso Antonio Cesaro
Kane vs Sheamus Stopped - Interferance


Best Match: Kane vs Sheamus

  • AJ was involved in match. When Sheamus was on the floor Aj came and smiled at Kane, leaving him with a confused look on his tilted head which gave Sheamus some time to catch his breath and brogue-kick Kane.

  • Cody Rhodes questioned Christian's motives on the Peep Show.

  • Hornswoggle "JR" got saucy with Michael Cole until Damien Sandow interferred and Tyson Kidd saved "JR" and then Damien turned the match over and attacked Tyson.